30 Jun 2011


so i sorta was lookin through facebook and i found this amazing advert and searched it on youtube.
google chrome said :
Lady Gaga builds one of the world's largest fan bases by using the web to talk directly and openly to her community.

This film celebrates Lady Gaga's special and unmediated relationship with her fans, the Little Monsters. The making of this film is a demonstration of the power of the web in its own right. The entire project, beginning with Lady Gaga's shoot in NYC on May 8th, to shipping materials to the television networks for air, took 10 days. Within hours of the release of her new single "Edge of Glory" on May 9th, fans began uploading videos on YouTube, making the song their own by dancing to it, singing it and playing it on all kinds of instruments. Lady Gaga then posted a message on her website asking for more videos to be used in the film project. Fans responded within minutes and uploaded hundreds more videos. Back in the editing room, in real time as fan videos streamed in, editors were putting them into the film. The film was completed on May 18th in time to air during Lady Gaga's performance on the season finale of Saturday Night Live, and to also live on the web.

It basicaly says that gaga has shown what the web can do. Why not put that instead of mega long borthing text ???? Honestly.
along with that i've also got some MUST - SEE blogs
No.1 is
the ugly side of stardoll.
here's the link ( the page also has a realy nice conter blog the fashion side of stardoll ((link on page)) )
and there is also the well-known blog Underneath stardoll

gingercat xxx

27 Jun 2011

I'm Back !

okay......... sorry about all the no posting thing........ i'm like that.
so here's a post in some random things

theese are our writers !!!!!
me, SparklyHighHeel, lalalandDL and brave-panda
The latest:
 eeewwwwwww ! why would stardoll put this as pick of the day ???? i hate it !!!
very interesting...........
a plain good for nothing red dress? come on ! at least the rest are good
End of the post !!!!

2 Jun 2011

Horrible Hero

sorry I haven't posted in a while..... thought i might want to share this with you though.....

no this is not my face.it's someone's medol.
click here to visit the website